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How To Stop Overthinking

Writer's picture: Lisa StrykerLisa Stryker

It was an ordinary leadership meeting but I felt like my head was in a vise. I was on a hamster wheel in my mind, overthinking.

"Is he trying to take the lead on my project?"

"Is she thinking I don't know what I'm talking about?"

"My boss looks mad. I bet she's disappointed in the proposal."

"He always has the best ideas. Everyone thinks he should be leading this."

My ultra-sensitive antennae were up, trying to read everyone's minds.

I eventually lost the project. Not because I wasn't capable and even more qualified than the person who wound up leading.

It was because I spent so much more time trying to figure out what everyone else was thinking than what I had to add.

I was angry about the change but the truth is I'd created a very weak position for myself. I had no clear point of view and it kept me in an exhaustive, unproductive cycle of mind-reading and approval-seeking.

When you're stuck thinking there is only one right answer (and that someone else has it), trying to read minds and assuming the worst, you shut down your own creativity and resourcefulness and close off your unique genius.

It's a confidence-killer.

The solution is much simpler than you think, though:

Focus on the desired result. That's it. What are you trying to achieve? What is the business goal? What's best for the team, the company?

Create a clear point of view on that so you're standing on solid ground. Then whenever you find yourself overthinking about what they're thinking, steer your beautiful brain back to the work at hand.

It's not about you. It really, really isn't. Remembering that will set you free.

Click here to take my free Keys to Confidence Masterclass now.

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