Does this sound familiar?
It's Wednesday morning and you're creating a leadership presentation for Friday but you're not sure exactly what your boss wants in it.
Better not to ask. You don't want her to think you don't know what you're doing.
You'll pull it all from various conversations.
You wrack your brain to remember everything she said and try to piece it together.
She stops by your office to check in on something just as you realize you've been searching emails for ten minutes looking for clues on how she might want to position the project delay.
As she moves to leave, you consider asking about it.
But she seems so busy and a little agitated. "You good?" she asks, looking at her phone. "Sure!" you reply, pasting on a smile.
With a sigh, you turn back to your keyboard and resume your search.
That night your mind churns away, worried that you'll miss something, worried that you'll look stupid if you ask...WORRIED.
You're always walking on eggshells, trying to tread lightly so you don't draw any attention. Protecting yourself. Staying small.
And you're sick of it. Sick of worrying. Sick of wondering what your boss would think if you do this, that or the other. Sick of trying to stay under the radar, figure everything out on your own, feeling like you never do enough.
You know you're not being everything you can be at work, saying what's on your mind, asking for what you need, offering your valuable input, and showing them just how amazing you truly are.
It's time to step out of the shadows. To stop expecting yourself to know everything without asking. To own your place at the table.
It's not as complicated as you think. All you need are three things: a clear point of view, courage and to have your own back.,
Click here to take my free Keys to Confidence Masterclass now.