It's true. For years I worked in fear, worried I'd be fired.
It didn't matter that I was a high performer who always got great reviews and had lots of successes in my past.
I spun and spun on decisions, squeezing my brain to consider every possible reaction, scenario or criticism.
I held back on sharing ideas because I was worried others would think they were dumb.
I relied on my boss's mood to set the tone for the day. If they seemed unhappy I had low-level stress all day wondering if it had to do with me.
That was before I learned that building confidence is a skill.
That overthinking is optional.
That there are tools to overcome overwhelm.
That I can feel good about myself even if my boss is upset or I make a mistake.
Overthinking and second-guessing yourself are attempts to create a perfect world where no one ever criticizes or disagrees with you.
Where you never make a mistake or feel rejected.
The solution is not to turn yourself inside out trying to do the impossible.
It's building the strength and resilience to be okay with taking a few chances.
Up until now, you've been trying to be superhuman (aka "perfect").
You have an amazing problem-solving brain. Put it to use to make your life better, more peaceful and more satisfying.
Leaders lead themselves first.
Click here to take my free Keys to Confidence Masterclass now.